The mission of the Cultural Council is to support local artists and arts organizations and promote St. Johns County as a premiere arts destination where the lives of both residents and visitors are enriched through art, culture, history, and heritage.
The St. Johns Cultural Council was established in July of 2000 and was designated as the official local arts agency by the St. Johns County Board of Commissioners in 2007.
Our objectives are to:
- provide economic opportunities for residents;
- build a strong base of support for art and culture throughout all areas of St. Johns County;
- serve as a comprehensive source for arts and cultural information; and
- build a broad coalition of arts and cultural interests throughout all areas of the county to stimulate public and private financial support for local arts and cultural organizations.
We provide two weekly arts, culture and heritage newsletters that are electronically distributed to over 30,000 people. Our sister website, www.historiccoastculture.com, provides information about cultural events in St. Johns County and includes marketing resources for local arts organizations. The Dance Company, The Art Studio of St. Augustine Beach and other community based organizations make daily use of our Cultural Center at St. Augustine Beach Hotel by offering weekly artistic and movement classes to hundreds of residents and visitors.
The St. Johns Cultural Council is proud to support the development of arts institutions, community arts partners, cultural programs and activities and audiences within St. Johns County.